Root into your body to rise above the thoughts that keep you stuck.

Get Out of Your Head and into Your Body

April 30, 20234 min read

“We go first and then the universe responds .” - Kate Northup

Think happy thoughts…

It would be so lovely if we could just think our way to happy. As a spiritual mindset coach, I will be the first to say that our thoughts matter. They create a vibration that brings us into a higher or lower frequency. Our thought or thought loops affect our physical body and the way this impacts our nervous system is often glossed over. We have to address the body so that we feel safe to embody and believe a new way of thinking.

The body holds onto old emotions, energies and stories. It’s why we have a physical response to certain people, places or situations. You meet someone for the first time and feel uncomfortable around them. They may have triggered a response in you that you weren’t even aware was there. Maybe there’s something that reminds you of the family friend that gave you the creeps or they say a phrase that your dad would say that as a child made you feel small and insignificant. By acknowledging that you’re having a response and slowing down enough to feel what is happening in the body and then moving into comfort and finally a thought that is more beneficial, you can change how you feel in that moment, and in life.

Ways to shift your energy

You have the power to slow listen and shift! Use these exercises to get out of your head and drop into your body.

1. Ask yourself how you feel

Can you identify what you are feeling? Give it a name. We usually identify emotions with very few words, sad, mad, happy, but see if you can dig a little deeper. Is it sadness or disappointment, are you mad or actually embarrassed? Try to get down deeper than just the initial word you find. Ask yourself what’s sitting beneath this.

2. Find where you feel this in your body

Where do you feel this? Are you tight in your chest? Caught in your throat? Do you feel pain, tightness or opening, lightness? There is no wrong way to feel, simply find where there is the most sensation. It may be in more than one spot.

3. Tell your body that you hear it.

Our body is constantly trying to communicate with us. It reaching out with whispers throughout the day. Our modern world has taught us to ignore these signals, which is why we end up with chronic pain and disease. Tell your body that you hear it and that it’s safer to be heard. Then gently place your hand in the areas where you feel the most sensation. Sometime just this soft touch is enough to create a release, if you find yourself tearing up, yawning or shaking/shivering, allow it to happen and let it in.

4. Move to connect with your body

There are so many ways you can connect with your body through movement. A couple of my favorites are havening, shaking and twisting, and the butterfly tap. Havening is soft gentle touches, slow skin to skin contact with yourself. I generally start with my hands rubbing together and bring the touch up to my shoulders and then back down again. Shaking and twisting starts with shaking your hands up and down the length of your torso, then standing hip distance apart, bend your knees and twist the body from side to side, allowing your arms to hang loose and slap against the body. For the butterfly tap, place your hands on your heart with your thumbs tucked so they look like a butterfly. Tap alternating hands and gently sway from side to side.

5. Breathe

During all of these techniques remember to take long slow deep breaths, ribs expanding in all directions as you inhale. Breath is one of the gentlest ways to move energy. Be breathing long and slow we send a signal to our nervous system that we’re safe.

6. Decide how you want to feel.

Now that you know how you feel currently, call in the feeling you desire. Say it out loud in a present positive statement. For example, I am powerful.

7. Shift your energy with one of the techniques above

Get up and get moving! Turn on music and have a dance party, get outside and be present in nature or get in the bath or shower. Alternatively you can grab your journal and start writing a gratitude list or free write on the topic of how you want to feel.

8. Notice any changes

Notice changes that happen right away, but also notice over the next for few days. Do you feel lighter? Have you gain awareness? Maybe you notice resistance, all are welcome! Keep coming back to this list when you want to change how you feel or how you’re reacting to certain situations or people. Keep calming your nervous system through movement and gentle affirmations to create safe change in your mind and body.

Twist to release energy

Thanks for being you and bringing your uniqueness into the world.



P.S. Want to find our how to help your individual energy? Book a healing session or coaching consult call here.

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Kristin Royseland

Kristin Royseland is a energy healer, breathwork coach, yoga teacher and spiritual mindset coach. She helps others understand the connection between their mind, body and spirit by empowering them to heal and feel. She currently takes clients for single sessions or longer coaching programs. Find out more at

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